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Too much recycling (and why campaign planning matters)

My ISP Welho, a Finnish cable TV company that was recently sold to another operator called DNA, finally sent me the new 40M cable modem I had already ordered six weeks ago. It’s not the speed I was really after, since my previous 10M internet connection was fast enough for anything I would need. It was the price reduction in the monthly fee that you get by upgrading your modem, from €44.90 to € 35.90. Sounds like a sweet deal, even with the 6 month contract period.

Anyway, the packaged arrived to the local post office, I went to pick it up and started examining the contents at home. Alongside the new modem there were a couple of campaign flyers. Here’s the first one:

“The package does not contain the cable required for connecting the modem to the antenna network, nor the Y plug splitter for your TV. Please re-use the components from your old modem.”

Ok, makes perfect sense, I’m all for reducign the environment footprint of my various gadgets. Then there was the second flyer promoting another campaign:

“Recycle your old modem to your friend, ask him to plug it in and order a 10M subscription at You will both get free months as a reward.”

Well, that’s another nice idea for a “save the environment” themed campaign. Of course the only problem here is that my friend would not have the necessary cables for plugging in the modem, since you didn’t send me any. So he would have to jump in his car, drive to your store in downtown Helsinki and pick up the parts from there.

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